Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Issue 2 (2020)
Combing ability for yield and yield contributing characters in tomato (Solanum lycoperiscum L.)
Prashant Gaurani, DB Kshirsagar and SR Shinde
Combining analysis of a 10x10 diallel, excluding reciprocals was undertaken for yield and yield contributing characters. Non additive gene action was noticed to be predominant for all the traits studied. A perusal of the GCA effects revealed parents P5, P3 and P7 were beat general combiners for the fruit yield. Hence, these parents may be used in breeding programme for development of high yielding hybrids. The hybrid 3x5 involving both good combiners for fruit yield per plant had recorded maximum fruit yield, in addition to desirable sca effects for fruit yield. In case of specific combining ability of hybrids the best crosses were 3x5, 7x8, 6x7, 3x6, 3x4, 3x7 and 6x8 which were also found promising for yield and yield traits studied.
Pages: 608-610 | 971 Views 297 Downloads
Prashant Gaurani, DB Kshirsagar and SR Shinde. Combing ability for yield and yield contributing characters in tomato (Solanum lycoperiscum L.). J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(2):608-610.