Mani Mesha Nand, Shiveshwar Pratap Singh, Kaushal Kishor, Anand Kumar, Md. Mahtab Alam and Vivek Kumar
A field experiment was conducted in calcareous soil of North Bihar which was medium in available K. The experiment was carried out in split-plot design with two paddy varieties
viz., Inbred and Hybrid in main plot and six combinations of potassium management
viz., control, NP(-K), NP + K (100% basal), NP + K (50% as basal + 50% at tillering), NP + K (50% as basal + 50% at panicle) and NP + K (50% as basal + 25% at tillering + 25% at panicle) in sub-plot during
Kharif, 2017 at Crop Research Farm, RPCAU, Pusa, Samastipur. The availability of K in the soil at different growth stages of paddy was found to improve with split applications of potassium over basal application. At tillering stage, available K was highest in the plots receiving split applications of K
i.e. 50% as basal + 50% at tillering while at panicle and milking stage, available K was highest in the plots with split application of K
i.e. 50% as basal + 50% as panicle. At maturity, it was highest in the plots with three split applications of K (50% as basal + 25% at tillering + 25% at panicle).
Mani Mesha Nand, Shiveshwar Pratap Singh, Kaushal Kishor, Anand Kumar, Md. Mahtab Alam and Vivek Kumar. Effect of potassic fertilizer application on available potassium at different growth stages of paddy in calcareous soil of North Bihar. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(2):645-648.