Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Issue 2 (2020)
Growth and trends in cultivation of sugarcane in Haryana vis-à-vis India
Nisha, DP Malik, VP Mehta and Ritu
The present study was carried out with the objectives to analyze the trend in area, production and productivity of sugarcane in India vis-a-vis Haryana. The study was based on secondary data. The time-series data related to area, production and productivity of sugarcane in India as well as Haryana for the period 1971-2018 was gathered from different published sources and to compute growth rate and trends by using linear trend equation were computed. The outcomes of the study revealed an increasing trend in the area, production and productivity of sugarcane at the national level with CAGRs values of 1.52, 0.84 and 2.37 per cent, respectively. Whereas, in Haryana, the trend in area indicated decreasing trend (-0.79%) over the study period while production and productivity illustrated increasing trend with CAGRs values of 0.74 and 1.55 per cent, respectively.
Pages: 772-776 | 1370 Views 860 Downloads
Nisha, DP Malik, VP Mehta and Ritu. Growth and trends in cultivation of sugarcane in Haryana vis-à-vis India. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(2):772-776.