Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Issue 2 (2020)
Assessment of promising varities of pigeon pea for production potentially under Northern dry zone of Karnataka
SA Biradar, Shivalingappa Hotkar, Vivek, S Devaranavadagi and Mallappa B
Demonstrations on assessment of promising varities of pigeon pea against dry root rot disease with farmer participation were conducted in Vijayapur district of Karnataka for two years during 2018-19 and 2019-20. Results indicated that the Impact of various varities of Pigeon pea on days to maturity was ranged from 160.80 to 179.80, on number of Pods/Plant was ranged from 90.50 to 189.50. Similarly, the Per cent Dry root rot was severe in check plot (Gulyal) (36.00 PDI) and lower in GRG 811 (05.60 PDI). Pooled data indicated that, yield was recorded in GRG 811(15.59 q/ha) which was more than check variety (Gulyal) (7.94 q/ha). Improved variety (GRG 811) recorded higher Gross return of Rs. 73356/ha, net profit of Rs. 54296/ha with benefit cost ratio of 3.73 as against farmer practice (Gulyal) wherein, the Gross return of Rs. 37279.50/ha, net profit of Rs. 16729.50/ha with B:C ratio was 1.81 for every rupee investment.
Pages: 798-800 | 1082 Views 527 Downloads
SA Biradar, Shivalingappa Hotkar, Vivek, S Devaranavadagi and Mallappa B. Assessment of promising varities of pigeon pea for production potentially under Northern dry zone of Karnataka. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(2):798-800.