Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Issue 2 (2020)
Economic analysis of beet root marketing in Pune District
SV Pokharkar, DS Perake and VG Pokharkar
The cultivation of beet root is popular root crop grown for it fleshy roots which are used as cooked vegetable, salad and picking and canning. It is a short duration crop used profitable crop for the farmers. The present paper entitled “Economic Analysis of Beet root Marketing in Pune District.” was undertaken with the objectives viz: i. To estimate channel wise marketing cost of beet ii. To estimate price spread of beet marketing iii. To examine the constraints in beet marketing. Data for the present study were collected from two tahasils of Pune district viz., Ambegaon and junner. These tahasils were selected according to maximum area under beet. In all six villages, three villages from each tahasil were selected randomly and from six villages 90 beet farmers were selected. Beet farmers were selected on the basis of area under beet i.e. 0.01 to 0.20 ha first group, 0.21 to 0.40 second group and 0.41 ha and above third group. All the relevant data required for study purpose was collected by survey method with the help of questionnaire designed especially for the purpose. Collection of data was done by personal interview method. Information pertaining to input utilization, marketing and constraints was collected for the year 2018-19. For carrying the beet to distant markets packing was done in gunny bags or nylon bags. Generally transportation was done by mini truck or matador. Only one marketing channels was observed in marketing of beet viz; Producer - commission agent - wholesaler – Retailer – Consumer. In case of marketing cost incurred by producer, the transportation cost and packing cost were 40.67 and 30.02 per cent to the total marketing cost incurred by producer. The major share in marketing cost was of transportation and packing cost. Price paid by consumer was Rs. 1510.71 per quintal. The producer share in consumer rupee was 66.73 per cent. The constraints faced by farmers in marketing production were high price fluctuation, lack of market intelligence, and high commission charges.
Pages: 819-822 | 767 Views 324 Downloads
SV Pokharkar, DS Perake and VG Pokharkar. Economic analysis of beet root marketing in Pune District. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(2):819-822.