In this study, yeasts were isolated from different fruit phylloplane during different seasons (summer, winter, and rainy) to study their population density and then brought to the Department of Mycology and Plant Pathology Laboratory, BHU for further experiment. A total of thirteen different yeast isolates were isolated from different phylloplane and then studied for their different characterization like morphological characters
viz; colony colour, colony appearance, nature of growth, cell shape, type of growth, cell dimension etc. and regarding physiological characters viz., C and N utilization, sensitivity to cycloheximide as well as growth progression at different temperature. The finding to the present investigation revealed that colony colour of yeast isolates vary from cremish (Y1 to Y7, Y10 and
Saccharomyces cerevisiae) to whitish (Y8, Y11, Y12) and single isolate Y9 gives yellowish colour. Smooth, crusty to granular colony appeared on yeast suitable media (YDPA) and having different growth nature
viz; isolates (Y2, Y9 and Y14) shows faster growth as compare to isolate (Y1, Y11, Y12 and Y13) which shows slow colony growth. The cell shape and size ranges from spherical, oval to cylindrical and (1.9 x 1.06 µm to 4.51 x 3.14 µm) respectively. The growth of all isolate was found maximum @ 27°C while Cycloheximide @50 µg/ml found more sensitive and gives cent per cent inhibition over control against all the isolates. Among C & N source, Maltose was found more essential for the growth of all the isolate of yeast.