An investigation was conducted during
Rabi 2017-2018 at Student’s research farm, Khalsa College Amritsar (Punjab) in Randomized block design having three replications comprising of eleven treatments
viz T
1- Recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF), T
2-100% N by Vermicompost, T
3- 100% N by Poultry manure, T
4- 100% N by Farmyard manure, T
100% N by Vermicompost +
Azotobacter, T
6- 100% N by Poultry manure + Azotobacter, T
7- 100% N by Farmyard manure + Azotobacter, T
75% N by Vermicompost +
Azotobacter, T
9- 75% N by Poultry manure + Azotobacter, T
10- 75% N by Farmyard manure + Azotobacter, T
11- Control. The crop was sown at spacing 45×45 cm and other plant protection measures were followed as recommended by PAU, Ludhiana. The results of the investigation suggested that application of RDF was superior over rest of the treatments in terms of yield and yield attributing characters. % increase in yield for T
1 and T
6 was 77.05% and 70% respectively for over control. % increase in B:C ratio for T
1 and T
6 was 105.70% and 98.96% respectively for over control.
Treatments comprising of poultry manure alone or in combination with Azotobacter proved to be beneficial than Vermicompost or Farmyard manure alone or in combination with Azotobacter , as it improved yield attributes as well as yield of cabbage and also gave maximum return as compared to other treatments. Among organic manure treatments T
6 (4 tonnes/ha poultry manure+Azotobacter) was found to be more economical as it serves dual purpose –minimizing inorganic fertilizers and second getting higher returns with higher B:C ratio (4.84).