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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Vol. 9, Issue 2 (2020)

Effect of different soil and water management practices on sustainability of jhum cultivation


Jitendra Kumar, H Kalita, Badapmain Mukdoh, Doni Jini, Rajesh A Alone and Puna Oppo

An experiment was undertaken in the farmers jhum field in the West Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh, India. The following treatments viz.T1-Traditional practice (Farmers Practices) T2-Jhum with FYM Application, T3-Jhum with Vermicompost & T4- Jhum with cover crop (Paddy and soybean, 1:1) were imposed in fresh jhum and in second year of jhum the dose of Farm Yard Manure 5 ton/ha, Vermicompost 3 ton/ha application of manure and 1:1 paddy and Soybean as a cover crop was done. The yield and soil attributes and cost involved were compared. Different components of jhum crop yield over and above the farmers practices were taken as additional yield due to our treatments of respective year of jhuming in the 2nd year of jhum There was considerable reduction in the yield was recorded in traditional practices, where as the applications of organic manure and cover crop had sustain the yield in all the treatment but the benefit cost ratio was highest T4 since the remunerative price of soybean was more. Moreover the soybean is a legume crop which can fix atmospheric N in a substantial amount and maintain the soil nutrient status and this crop is also act as a cover crop which reduce the soil loss from steep sloppy land of jhum.

Pages: 1486-1488  |  1212 Views  366 Downloads

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
How to cite this article:
Jitendra Kumar, H Kalita, Badapmain Mukdoh, Doni Jini, Rajesh A Alone and Puna Oppo. Effect of different soil and water management practices on sustainability of jhum cultivation. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(2):1486-1488. DOI: 10.22271/phyto.2020.v9.i2x.11062

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