Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Issue 2 (2020)
Impression of off season vegetable varietal adoption demonstration on the yield and economics of Early Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) cv. Sabour Agrim in Bhagalpur District of Bihar
Kamal Kant, Ghanshyam, Sanjeev Kumar Gupta, AB Patel, Sanoj Kumar, Amit Kumar, R Vishwakarma and RK Sohane
Early Cauliflower (
Brassica oleracea var.
botrytis) is one of the important cole crops grown for fresh and processing purpose all over the India due to its wider adaptability under various agro-climatic conditions, which plays a major role in supplementing the income of small and marginal farmer of the Bhagalpur district of Bihar state. The present study was carried out at Bhagalpur district during
kharif 2017-18 and 2018-19. Off season vegetable varietal replacement through Farmer FIRST Project were conducted on early cauliflower by the active participation of the farmers with the objective of improved technologies of early cauliflower production potential. The improved technologies consist improved variety (Sabour Agrim), balanced fertilizers (Soil test based) application and integrated pest and disease management, etc. The development of the agriculture is primarily depends on the application of the scientific technologies by making the best use of available resources. One of the major constraints of traditional early cauliflower farming is low productivity because of non-adoption of advanced technologies like improved varieties. To increase the production, productivity and quality of agricultural produce, off season vegetable varietal replacement are being conducted at various farmer’s field. All the recommended practices were provided to the selected farmers. The data related to the cost of cultivation, production, productivity, gross return and net return were collected as per schedule and analysed. Result of the present study revealed the higher average yield in the off season vegetable varietal replacement demonstration was recorded (185.26 q/ha) as compared to farmers practice (287.50 q/ha) traditional adopted by the farmers. The percentage increase in the yield over farmer’s -35.70 was recorded. The technology gap and extension gap were computed 5.84 and -102.28 q/ha respectively, along with 3.07 percent of technology index. The off season vegetable varietal replacement demonstration field gave higher average net return Rs. 809986.00 and B:C ratio is 1: 6.96. The result of the study indicated the gap existed in the potential yield and demonstration yield is due to soil fertility and weather conditions. Present result clearly show that the yield and economics of early cauliflower can be boost up by adopting recommended technologies.
Pages: 1754-1757 | 1026 Views 422 Downloads
Kamal Kant, Ghanshyam, Sanjeev Kumar Gupta, AB Patel, Sanoj Kumar, Amit Kumar, R Vishwakarma and RK Sohane. Impression of off season vegetable varietal adoption demonstration on the yield and economics of Early Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) cv. Sabour Agrim in Bhagalpur District of Bihar. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(2):1754-1757.