Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Issue 2 (2020)
Studies on flowering behavior of different genotypes of custard apple
AM Butani, TM Chuadhari, SM Makwana, KD Patel and PI Patel
The present investigation was carried out to studies on floral biology of different genotypes of custard apple (
Annona squamosa L.) during
Kharif season. The results of the study indicated that, floral biololgy studied among different Genotypes/Selections and Cultivars maximum, flowers per shoot (6.84), days required to full bloom (60.92), time of anthesis (5.35 a.m.), were recorded foremost in Sindhan while minimum days to flowering (26.66) was observed in GJCA-1 and Selection-7 took least time for dehiscence (10.33 a.m.). However there was negligible variation observed in case of number of petals per flower in all genotypes.
Pages: 1818-1820 | 1259 Views 671 Downloads
AM Butani, TM Chuadhari, SM Makwana, KD Patel and PI Patel. Studies on flowering behavior of different genotypes of custard apple. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(2):1818-1820.