Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Issue 2 (2020)
Determination of yield, dry matter and economic feasibility of greater yam (Dioscorea alata) through minisett technique
Mithlesh Kumari Meena, RS Rathore, Nisha Kumari Meena and Vandna
In yam plantations, farmers required to set aside 33% of their harvest as planting materials. To solve this problem, minisett technique was practiced to produce large number of healthy seed yams. The experiment was conducted at Horticulture Farm, Department of Horticulture, Rajasthan College of Agriculture (MPUA&T) Udaipur, to determine the yield, dry matter and economic feasibility of greater yam (
Dioscorea alata L.) through minisett technique. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design and three replications. The experimental result revealed that the yield and economic feasibility of greater yam were significantly (p= 0.05) affected by minisett technique while No. of days to harvesting and Dry matter content (%) do not show any significant effect by minisett technique. Yield attributes characteristics
viz. days to harvesting from sowing and tuber yield (t/ha) were influenced by different tuber weight. The minimum days to harvesting from sowing (215 days) and yield (24.36 t/ha) were recorded in treatment T
8 (200g). Data of economic feasibility was significant influenced by tuber weight. The maximum gross return, net return and BC Ratio (2.94) were observed in treatment T8 (200g).
Pages: 1947-1949 | 945 Views 368 Downloads
Mithlesh Kumari Meena, RS Rathore, Nisha Kumari Meena and Vandna. Determination of yield, dry matter and economic feasibility of greater yam (Dioscorea alata) through minisett technique. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(2):1947-1949.