A field experiment was conducted during rainy (
kharif) season of 2017 in split plot design with three replications at Crop Research centre, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa, Bihar to investigate the
“Effect of zinc levels and moisture regimes on direct seeded rice
”. The treatments consisted of four moisture regimes
i.e. I
1-Irrigation at 1 day disappearance of ponded water, I
2- Irrigation at 3 days disappearance of ponded water, I
3- Irrigation at 5 days disappearance of ponded water, I
4-Irrigation at 7 days disappearance of ponded and 4 zinc level treatments
i.e. Z
1-Control, Z
4 @25 kg/ha, Z
4@37.5kg/ha, Z
4- Foliar application of ZnSO
4@ 0.5% at tillering, pre-flowering and flowering. Test cultivar was Rajendra Neelam. The result showed that N, P, K and Zn content by grain and straw, were found to be maximum with I
1 moisture regime which were significantly superior to I
3 and I
4 but was statistically at par with I
2 in case of Zn content in grain and straw. N, P and K content in grain and straw were not influenced by moisture regimes.
Zn content in grain and straw, were recorded maximum with Z3 treatment of zinc levels which were significantly superior over Z1 but were statistically at par with Z2 and Z4 N, P and K content in grain and straw did not vary significantly due to different zinc levels.
Sweeti Kumari, Rahul Kumar, Rajan Kumar, Alisha Kumari and Md. Zakir Hussain. Effect of zinc levels and moisture regimes on nutrient content of direct seeded rice. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(2):1974-1977.