Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Issue 2 (2020)
Evaluation of efficacy of insecticides and bio pesticide against paddy Earhead bug, Leptocorisa oratorius F
Ravi Prakash and Gautam Kunal
An experiment was conducted during 2016-17 at Experimental farm, Bihar Agricultural College, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour (Bhagalpur) to evaluate the efficacy of different insecticides against rice earhead bug,
Leptocorisa oratorius F. Data on evaluation of different insecticides against rice earhead bug clearly indicates that all the treatments were significantly superior over untreated control. However, among the different treatments, monocrotophos was found to be most effective (4.50/plant) in reduction of rice gundhi bug population than others. The next best treatment was profenophos (4.75/plant) followed by fenvalerate (5.75/plant) and neem oil (6.25/plant). Regarding yield is concerned, the highest yield was obtained with monocrotophos (17.12 q ha
-1) followed by profenophos (14.00 q ha
-1), fenvalerate (12.00 q ha
-1) and neem oil (11.12 q ha
Pages: 2021-2023 | 1498 Views 780 Downloads
Ravi Prakash and Gautam Kunal.
Evaluation of efficacy of insecticides and bio pesticide against paddy Earhead bug, Leptocorisa oratorius F. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(2):2021-2023. DOI: