Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Issue 3 (2020)
A study on self-esteem of rural youth
Sharath HN, Shivanand Kammar, S.B Goudappa, Sidram B.Y and Prabhuling Tewari
The study was purposively conducted in Raichur and Yadgir districts of north-eastern Karnataka during 2017-2018. Because of highest number of rural youths migrating towards urban areas. Keeping the migration trend of youths in mind, a study on the self-esteem of rural youth was conducted. Diagnostic research designs were used. Two villages from eight taluks viz., 16 villages considered as a study village. From selected villages 120 rural youths were drawn as respondents for the present study. The structured interview schedule designed and administered to the respondents by use of multistage purposive sampling method. The data collected were analysed by using appropriate statistical methods. The findings of the present study reveals that 36.67 per cent of rural youth had medium level of self-esteem. Whereas, 32.50 per cent of rural youth had high level of self-esteem and 30.83 per cent of rural youth had low level of self-esteem. Seventeen independent variables were selected for the study in which education, leisure time activities, farm scientist contact, extension contact, farming commitment, achievement motivation, mass media use had positive significant relationship with self-esteem of rural youth. Age, farming experience, innovative proneness, risk orientation had negative significant relationship with self-esteem of rural youth. Annual income, family pressure, land holding, family size, economic motivation, cosmopoliteness, had no significant relationship with self-esteem of rural youth. When the extent of contribution of independent variables to self-esteem of rural youth were analysed, the result revealed that rural youth self-esteem could be increased by 3.726 and 3.738 units if one unit increases could be brought about in achievement motivation and farming commitment respectively.
Pages: 299-302 | 1375 Views 440 Downloads
Sharath HN, Shivanand Kammar, S.B Goudappa, Sidram B.Y and Prabhuling Tewari. A study on self-esteem of rural youth. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(3):299-302.