Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Issue 3 (2020)
Assessment of improved varieties of linseed in Sagar district, Vindhya plateau Agro-climatic Zone of Madhya Pradesh
Mamta Singh and KS Yadav
Linseed is an important rabi oilseed crop of Madhya Pradesh, it requires moderate to cool temperature during crop period. Its productivity in Vindhya Plateau Agro-Climatic Zone of Sagar district is far below than potential yield of the varieties. Owing to development of improved linseed varieties and requirement of package of practices for different situations of linseed cultivation, there has been a steady but slow increase in the yield of linseed over a long period. Drought and high temperature at early and seed filling stage are detrimental causing yield and quality reduction, low seed replacement ratio, due to lack of availability of high yielding varieties at the time of sowing and lack of technological know-how of recent package of practices. Keeping this in view, the present on farm trial was carried out at ten farmers’ field under rainfed condition with improved technology in two consecutive year in rabi season during 2017-18 and 2018-19 in Sagar district of Madhya Pradesh. Two linseed variety recommended for rainfed condition
viz. JLS 66 and JLS 67 with improved techniques along with farmers practices (local old and mix variety) were tested. The average higher number of capsules/plant were recorded in the variety JLS 67 (60.35) followed by JLS 66 (61.70) as compared to farmers practices (41.60). The pooled data for two years revealed that the highest yield of JLS 67 i.e. 7.41 q/ha received followed JLS 66 (7.18 q/ha) was recorded as compared to farmers practices which was 3.90 q/ha. Improved management package and practices increased the average net returns by Rs. 19129/ha in JLS 67 followed by 17759/ha in JLS 66, in demonstrated plot while farmers were obtained Rs. 5895/ha by their own practices. On an average benefit cost ratio was 2.12 (JLS 66) and 2.19 (JLS 67) under demonstrated technologies while it was 1.5 in farmers practices.
Pages: 335-338 | 1677 Views 885 Downloads
Mamta Singh and KS Yadav. Assessment of improved varieties of linseed in Sagar district, Vindhya plateau Agro-climatic Zone of Madhya Pradesh. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(3):335-338.