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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Vol. 9, Issue 3 (2020)

Growth, quality, yield and available nutrient status after harvest of summer sesamum (Sesamum indicum L.) in loamy sand as influence by integrated nutrient management


Nirav Parmar, JR Jat, JK Malav, S Kumar, RP Pavaya and JK Patel

A filed experiment entitled a “growth, quality, yield and available nutrient status after harvest of summer sesamum (Sesamum indicum L.) in loamy sand as influence by integrated nutrient management” was conducted at Agronomy Instructional Farm, C.P. College of Agriculture, S.D. Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar during summer, 2018. The experiment consisted of total ten treatments of integrated nutrient management were tested in randomized block design with three replications.The soil of experimental field was loamy sand in texture, low in organic carbon (0.18%), available nitrogen (140.31 kg ha-1) and sulphur (9.80 mg kg-1); medium in available phosphorus (42.00 kg ha-1) and potash (204.02 kg ha-1) and slightly alkaline (pH 7.62) in reaction.The results revealed that nutrient management treatments showed significant influence on growth, yield attributes, yield and quality parameters of sesamum. The highest plant height (77.54 cm), number of branches per plant (4.02), number of capsules per plant (74.30), test weight (3.57 g), seed yield (978 kg ha-1) and stalk yield (2368 kg ha-1) were recorded under treatment of 50% RDF+5.0 t FYM ha-1+ PSB+Azotobactor.Based on one year experimentation, it is concluded that integrated application of 50% RDF (50: 25: 00 NPK kg ha-1) along with 5 t FYM ha-1 + PSB + Azotobactor gave higher seed yield of summer sesame grown under loamy sand of North Gujarat.

Pages: 388-392  |  985 Views  364 Downloads

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
How to cite this article:
Nirav Parmar, JR Jat, JK Malav, S Kumar, RP Pavaya and JK Patel. Growth, quality, yield and available nutrient status after harvest of summer sesamum (Sesamum indicum L.) in loamy sand as influence by integrated nutrient management. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(3):388-392.

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