Kunzang Lamo, Deep Ji Bhat, Parshant Bakshi and Vinod Kumar Wali
The study was conducted at Rainfed Research Sub-Station for Subtropical Fruits (RRSS) Raya, of Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu, during 2015-2016. The experiment consisted of ten treatments viz., GA3 (100, 150 and 200 ppm), NAA (100, 150 and 200 ppm) and Ethrel (750, 1000 and 1250 ppm) and control (water spray). Results revealed that GA3 150 ppm recorded the longest shoot length (192.50 cm) and Ethrel 1250 ppm resulted in shortest shoot length (162.10 cm). Maximum fruit weight (82.85 g/100 fruits) was recorded with 150 ppm GA3 which was statistically at par with the treatment of 100 ppm GA3 (81.69 g/100 fruits) and 150 ppm NAA (81.58 g/100 fruits and minimum in control (68.80 g/100 fruits). Maximum fruit ascorbic acid (38.30 mg/100 g) was observed with 150 ppm GA3. Application of 1250 ppm ethrel showed significant effect in reducing the harvest span to 22.00 days which was at par with 1000 ppm ethrel (22.40 days) and 750 ppm ethrel (22.60 days) whereas, maximum harvesting span of 31.40 days was recorded in control. Maximum yield of 3.00 kg/ bush was recorded with the application of 150 ppm GA3 followed by 150 ppm NAA, whereas minimum fruit yield of 1.88 kg/bush was recorded in control bushes. Under storage conditions, minimum mean PLW of 8.11% was recorded with 150 ppm GA3 closely followed by 8.79% with 100 ppm GA3 and were statistically at par with each other. Furthermore, the fruit stored under ambient conditions lasted for 48 hours. The lowest mean PLW of 6.23% was recorded after 12 hours of storage and highest mean PLW of 16.88% was observed under control treatment at 48 hour storage interval. Minimum mean PLW of 8.41% was recorded with 150 ppm GA3 closely followed by 8.63% with 100 ppm GA3 and were statistically at par with each other. Further, the fruit stored under refrigerated conditions lasted for 96 hours and there was an increase in PLW with advancing storage intervals. The highest mean PLW of 19.80% was observed at 96 hour storage interval, whereas lowest PLW of 4.80% was recorded after 12 hours of storage. From the mentioned results an overall reduction in PLW was obtained by the application of GA3. Therefore, growth regulators application significantly improves the fruit quality, yield and reduced the harvest duration in phalsa.
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