Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Issue 3 (2020)
Effect of application of organic manures on growth, yield and quality of Cashew
RC Gajbhiye, SN Pawar, VK Zote, PM Talha and BN Sawant
A trial on effect of organic and inorganic manures on growth, yield and quality of cashew was conducted during the year 2018-19 under AICRP-Cashew programme at RFRS, Vengurla. Cashew grafts (V-4) planted at 7m x 7m during 2008 under organic management trial were used for present study. Trial was laid out in RBD with three replications and eight treatments comprises of different source of manures were applied in the month of June. Standard package of practices uniformly followed during investigation. Growth, yield attributes and quality parameters recorded at appropriate stages. Recorded data was statically analyzed. Among the different treatments tried, application of 100% N as Vermicompost + BCF (T4) recorded the highest number of lateral (32.53/m2), number of panicle (22.63/m2).
The maximum fruit set (43.80/m2) observed in the treatment T5 (Recycling of organic residues with addition of 20% cow dung slurry) and followed by T7 (43.50/m2), T4 (42.00/m2) and T2 (41.00/m2). While, the highest number of nuts per panicle (8.43) and nut weight (10.10g) recorded in treatment T7 (25% N as FYM + Recycling of organic residues + In situ green manuring /green leaf manuring + BCF - 200g/tree) followed by second best higher nut weight in T4 (9.53g). Whereas, the maximum apple weight (84.43 g) recorded in treatment T4. The highest annual nut yield of cashew 8.90 kg/tree & 1.82 t/ha recorded with application of RDF + 10 kg FYM-control (T8) and closely followed in treatments T4 (8.68 kg/tree & 1.77 t/ha. So far as quality attributes of cashew apple concerned, the highest TSS of cashew apple recorded in treatment T4 (15.670B). The lowest acidity of cashew apple recorded in treatment T7 (0.24%) followed by treatments T4 & T1 (0.26%). The highest cashew apple volume (88.60 ml) recorded with RDF + 10 kg FYM - control (T8) and at par with treatments T6 (81.10 ml) and T2 (75.90 ml). In overall, application of 100% N as Vermicompost + BCF (T4) appeared as best treatment and enhanced growth, yield and quality of cashew cv. Vengurla-4, even though the highest yield recorded in RDF + 10 kg FYM-control (T8).
Pages: 676-679 | 1202 Views 532 Downloads
RC Gajbhiye, SN Pawar, VK Zote, PM Talha and BN Sawant. Effect of application of organic manures on growth, yield and quality of Cashew. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(3):676-679.