AN Gawate, SN Potkile, VS Kirnapure, AA Choudhary and SA Ambhore
A field experiment was carried out during kharif 2018-19 at Research Farm of College of Agriculture, Nagpur to study the “Influence of seed sowing and nutrient management in drilled paddy (
Oryza sativa)”. The experiment was laid out in split plot design with four spacing and three treatments of fertilizer doses. The yield attributing character
viz. number of panicle plant
-1, length of panicle, number of grains panicle
-1 and weight of grains panicle
-1 recorded maximum in Drilling soaked seed at 30 cm and grain yield, straw yield, biological yield (q ha
-1) and harvest index were significantly highest at drilling of soaked seed at 20 cm and application of 125:62.5:62.5 kg NPK ha
-1. GMR and NMR (Rs. ha
-1) recorded maximum in Drilling soaked seed at 20 cm and application of 125:62.5:62.5 kg NPK ha
-1. B:C ratio recorded maximum in Drilling of soaked seed at 20 cm and application of 100:50:50 kg NPK ha
AN Gawate, SN Potkile, VS Kirnapure, AA Choudhary and SA Ambhore. Influence of seed sowing and nutrient management on yield and economics in drilled paddy (Oryza sativa). J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(3):715-717.