Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Issue 3 (2020)
Performance evaluation of manual single row vegetable planter for okra, coriander and cowpea crop
Shubham Shravan, Dr. S.V Jogdand and Dr. Parmanad
This study was undertaken to design, fabricates and testing of vegetable planter for selected crops. Testing of vegetable planter was done for okra, coriander and cowpea crop. Sowing is the technique of planting seeds. The purpose of sowing is to place the seed in columns at required plant to plant spacing and cover the seeds with soil. Farmers of Chhattisgarh are using indigenous method for sowing of vegetable i.e. broadcasting, line sowing etc. Seed drill or planter for vegetable crop is not available in Chhattisgarh. Sowing of crops is carried out by conventional method like broadcasting and by using traditional implements which results in low productivity due to its inefficient performance. Apart from that manual sowing is cumbersome process. The developed vegetable planter is manual operated. The planter consist of power transmission system, seed box, frame, drive wheel, support wheel, furrow opener, metering mechanism for seed, delivery tubes etc. The seeds of “Kashi Kanchan” variety of cowpea, “Pant Haritama” variety of coriander and local variety of okra were selected for the tests. For okra TFC was found to be 0.125 ha/h, similarly for cowpea and coriander TFC was found 0.112 ha/h and 0.05 ha/hr respectively. The actual average travelling speed of operation of the developed vegetable planter was found 2.4 km/hr. It was found that Effective Field Capacity for okra, cowpea and coriander were 0.104, 0.093 and 0.039 ha/h respectively. Field efficiency was determined from the value of TFC and EFC for each crop. It was found that the field efficiency for okra was 83.2%, for cowpea it was 83.03% and for coriander it was found 78%. The cost of developed vegetable planter was found 5930 Rs.
Pages: 1255-1258 | 1378 Views 819 Downloads
Shubham Shravan, Dr. S.V Jogdand and Dr. Parmanad. Performance evaluation of manual single row vegetable planter for okra, coriander and cowpea crop. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(3):1255-1258.