Joseph Bertin Alexis Zoa Bindzi, Rose Ngono Mballa Abondo, Joseph Ngoupayo and Beyeme Fridoline Victorine
Traditional African Medicine in general and Cameroonian in particular use medicinal plant recipes to treat various pathologies. In order to improve the safety and the progressive integration of those plants in our health systems, it is important to set protocol that would permit an easy characterization of medicinal plants. This study is interested in a recipe of
Bridelia micrantha and
Persea americana trunk’s bark, traditionally used in the center region of Cameroon to treat “hemorrhoids”. Thus, we develop the macrography, the micrography, the phytochemical screening, the water content and the total ash content percentages of the stem bark of each plant. The water contents in
P. americana and
B. micrantha are 7.82±1% and 10.16±% respectively. And total ash content are 3.36±1% and 4.25±1% for
P. americana and
B. micrantha respectively. Micrography of truncated
P. americana bark showed: cells containing crystals of calcium oxalate and spindle sclerified fibers. That from
B. micrantha revealed: fibers and assesses cells containing crystals of calcium oxalate, wooden vessels, and a red parenchyma cells. Phytochemical analysis revealed the presence in our recipe of polyphenolic substances such as flavonoids. The information gathered throughout this study will contribute to the identification and characterization of
P. americana and
B. micrantha stem bark.
Joseph Bertin Alexis Zoa Bindzi, Rose Ngono Mballa Abondo, Joseph Ngoupayo and Beyeme Fridoline Victorine. Micrography, phyto-chemical screening and physico-chemical properties of Bridelia micrantha (Hochst.) Baill. and Persea americana L. stem bark. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(3):32-36.