Kiran S Ingle, Prakash R Kadu and Satishchandra M Jadhao, Rahul J Patil, Ajay S Solanki and Tejashree A Shirolkar
The study of groundwater quality parameters is most essential for irrigation water, and its quality is a serious problem around the study area. The spatial analysis of groundwater quality mapping is required and stimulated us to undertake a systematic work of groundwater quality parameters for suitable water exploration of crops from open wells in Yalgaon Dam command area. A detailed study of physico-chemical parameters composition of groundwater was performed from groundwater quality data of three seasons like pre-monsoon, monsoon (rainy) post-monsoon in the year of 2017 and 2018. The groundwater quality data were collected from nine villages in 20 wells samples randomly distributed in
viz: Antri-teli, Sakhali, Yalgaon, Ruhikhed-Tekale, Sao, Sagwan, Kolwad, Nandra-koli, Ajispur in Yalgaon dam command area. GIS is a powerful tool for representation and analysis of spatial information related to groundwater resources management. To achieve this aim, the groundwater quality samples were analyzed for the preparation of groundwater quality indices such as pH, electrical conductivity, TDS, cation such as Ca, Mg, Na, K, and anions Cl, Sulphate, Bicarbonate. The results shows that the groundwater was having high salinity and low sodium hazard (C
1) during pre monsoon (summer) monsoon (rainy) season, and post monsoon (winter) season, the water can be use for irrigation with adoption of proper leaching management. Among all the cations Ca
2+, Mg
2+ and K
+ was below the permissible limit in all three season except seven sample where Mg
2+and Na
+ exceeds permissible limit during pre monsoon and monsoon season. Among the anions HCO
3-, Cl
- and SO
42- were also below the permissible limit.