Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Issue 3 (2020)
AMMI Bi plot analysis for genotype x environment interaction on yield in rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes
N Lingaiah, B Satish Chandra, V Venkanna, K Rukmini Devi and Y Hari
There are several methods to estimate the stability of a genotype across environments or seasons by determining G x E interaction effects. Among these, AMMI analysis is the most recent and widely exploited in different crops for the identification of stable genotypes over locations as well as seasons. The main objective of the present study was to identify more high yielding stable promising genotypes and to determine the best seasons would be adapted by AMMI model. In the present investigation, the experiment material comprised a total of seven rice genotypes evaluated using randomized complete block design with three replications during three seasons
rabi 2014-15,
kharif 2015 and
rabi 2015-16. Pooled analysis of variance indicated that significance variance among genotypes, seasons and genotype x environment interactions indicated the usefulness of AMMI model. Yield stability and adaptability of yield performance were analyzed by additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model. Among the rice genotypes, G1 (WGL-1097), G5 (WGL-1101) and G4 (WGL-1100) exhibited high yield, out of which G1 being the overall best genotype in terms of yield. As per AMMI 2 biplot, G7 (WGL-1010), G6 (WGL-1102), G1 (WGL-1097) and G4 (WGL-1100) had more responsive since they were away from the origin whereas the genotypes G3 (WGL-1099) and G2 (WGL-1098) were close to the origin and hence they were less sensitive to environmental interactive forces. What-won-where biplot indicated that three environments fall into two mega environments. Hence the genotype G1 (WGL-1097) was the winner in the environments E1 and E3 where as the genotype G2 (WGL-1098) was the winner in the environment E2. This pattern suggests that the target environment may consist of two mega environments and that different genotypes should be selected for each environment.
Pages: 1384-1388 | 1120 Views 460 Downloads
N Lingaiah, B Satish Chandra, V Venkanna, K Rukmini Devi and Y Hari. AMMI Bi plot analysis for genotype x environment interaction on yield in rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(3):1384-1388.