Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Issue 3 (2020)
Identification of superior genotypes of Chalta (Dillenia indica) through germplasm characterization
Anant Tamang, Venkata Satish Kuchi, BC Das and Soumik Ray
Dillenia indica belongs to genus Dillenia among 60 other species. Total ten (10) numbers of Chalta plants were stratified from different agroclimatic zones of West Bengal depending on availability of fruit crop and convenience of the study at Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia, West Bengal during the years 2013-2015. Under the observation for characterization, the plant physical parameters has been analyzed and so for preliminary evaluation fruit physical parameters and fruit biochemical parameters has been analyzed. Tree age of Chalta accessions varied from 7yrs to 30yrs with height of 10 m to above 20 m and 106.8 cm to 164 cm trunk girth. Branching pattern was observed to be irregular in different accession. Irregular crown shape and erect to spreading type tree growth habit is present in different accessions. Leaf characters in Chalta reveals elliptic leaf blade shape, apiculate leaf apex, cuneate leaf base, alternate spiral phyllotaxy (leaf orientation) and pinnate type leaf venation. Length of the leaf blade ranges from 32.28 cm to 52.64 cm and breadth varies from 10.62 cm (ACC-4) to 14.54 cm (ACC-2). Maximum fruit length was recorded in ACC-5 (8.32 cm), fruit breadth of 11.04 cm (ACC-10), maximum fruit weight (calyx and seed) 612.08 g (ACC-10) and non-edible weight of 102.00g (ACC-4). TSS % ranged from 4.48° Brix (ACC-9) to 6.86° Brix (ACC-10). Maximum total sugar of 3.42 mg/100 gm fruit pulp (ACC-4), reducing sugar 2.29 mg/100 gm (ACC-3) has been recorded along with 2.33 mg/100 gm fruit pulp acidity (ACC-2) and 34.32 mg/100 gm fruit pulp Vit.C (ACC-8). Average linkage technique clustering when applied on squared Euclidean distance matrix a total of 6 clusters were formed for plant physical parameters, 5 clusters were formed for fruit physical parameters and 3 clusters were formed for fruit biochemical parameters.
Pages: 1579-1584 | 1132 Views 451 Downloads
Anant Tamang, Venkata Satish Kuchi, BC Das and Soumik Ray. Identification of superior genotypes of Chalta (Dillenia indica) through germplasm characterization. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(3):1579-1584.