Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Issue 3 (2020)
In vitro evaluation of fungicides against Mycosphaerella musicola causing sigatoka leaf spot of banana
R Guru Nandan Kumar, JP Mishra and Rajendra Prasad
Three systemic fungicides (Difenoconazole, Azoxystrobin, and Carbendazim) and two non-systemic fungicides (Cabriotop, Chlorothalonil) were evaluated against
Mycosphaerella musicola at 50 ppm 150 ppm and 300 ppm concentration under
in vitro condition. Among of the five fungicides Carbendazim, Azoxystrobin and Cabriotop showed maximum mycelium growth inhibition of
M. musicola. Chlorothalonil showed lowest growth inhibition of
M. musicola.
Pages: 1635-1637 | 1098 Views 502 Downloads
R Guru Nandan Kumar, JP Mishra and Rajendra Prasad. In vitro evaluation of fungicides against Mycosphaerella musicola causing sigatoka leaf spot of banana. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(3):1635-1637.