An experiment to Effect of different levels of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth and flowering of
Salvia splendens was carried out at Horticulture section, College of Agriculture Allahabad rabi season of 2017-2018 with sixteen treatment combinations in factorial randomized block design. The treatments comprised of four different levels of nitrogen
viz., 0, 40, 60 and 80 kg ha
-1 and four different levels of phosphorus viz., 0, 50, 100 and 120 kg ha
-1. The result of present investigation revealed that, application of 80 kg ha
-1 nitrogen and 120 kg ha
-1 phosphorus produced significantly maximum Plant height (cm), Plant spread (cm), Number of branches per plant, Leaves per plant with respect to flowering parameters produced significantly maximum, Number of spikes per plant, Spike length (cm), Number of flowers per spike, Rachis length (cm). The interaction effects were found non-significant. For these parameters, the best treatment combination was 80 kg nitrogen ha
-1 + 120 kg phosphorus ha
Ravi Kumar, VM Prasad and Abhimanyu Patel. Effect of different levels of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth and flowering of Salvia splendens cv. scarlet sage. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(4):617-619.