Kunal, Vishal, Chhavi Singla, Asha Sharma and Anju Dhiman
The genus Ipomea includes a large number of species and found everywhere around road side, waste land, canal land etc.
Ipomea carnea (family: Convolvulaceae) is erect, woody, hairy, and slight cylindrical in shape, greenish in color which grows up to 6m on terrestrial land. It is popularly known as bush morning glory or beshram. The stem part of
I. carnea. Contain alternate leaves. In Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani system of medicine, this plant is used as a folk medicine and literature reveals that
I. carnea possess potential anti oxidant activity, immuno-stimulant, anti-cancer, hepato-protective and many other pharmacological activities. Chemical constituents of
I. carnea are 2-ethyl-1,3-dimethylbenzene, 2-(12-pentadecynyloxy)tetrahydro2H-pyran, 3-furanyl[2-hydroxy-4-methyl-2--(2-methylpropyl)cyclopentyl]-methanone, 2,2-dideuterooctadecanal, hexadecanoic acid, Linoleic acid etc. After exhaustive literature survey, it may be concluded that
I. carnea can be a considered as a safe, economic and potential medicinal plant for the treatment in many diseased conditions and may be explored by incorporating its active component(s)/ extract(s)/ fraction(s) in suitable drug delivery system(s) for therapeutic benefits.
Kunal, Vishal, Chhavi Singla, Asha Sharma and Anju Dhiman. An update on phytochemistry and therapeutic properties of Ipomoea carnea. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2021;10(1):01-06.