Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 10, Issue 1 (2021)
Comparative evaluation study on the physicochemical composition of three different tamarind varieties
Bhavani BPVSG, Nirmala Devi G, Lakshmi K and Lakshmi J
The experiment aimed to study the Physico-chemical characteristics of Anantha Rudhira (red), Thettu Amalika, and the local, variety of Ananthapuramu, and the results were compared with local. It showed that the Thettu Amalika variety was superior in physical characteristics like thickness, weight, volume whereas the local variety was superior in respect of average width, weight while the Anantha Rudhira was superior in length and proximate composition. The mean width, length, and thickness of fruit pulp were found to be 9.73, 1.50, and 0.15 cm. The average values of vitamin C, calcium were found to be 0.54 and 185 mg. Anantha Rudhira, the red variety was rich in protein (3.8%), fat (0.30%), reducing sugars, ascorbic acid, tartaric acid and with lowest crude fiber Anantha Rudhira were more superior in proximate and chemical composition than Thettu Amalika and local variety.
Pages: 60-66 | 2842 Views 1354 Downloads
Bhavani BPVSG, Nirmala Devi G, Lakshmi K and Lakshmi J. Comparative evaluation study on the physicochemical composition of three different tamarind varieties. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2021;10(1):60-66.