S Kothaipriya, J Prabhaharan, K Senthil, P Kannan and C Parameswari
Maize is a high nutrient demanding and zinc responsive crop. A Field study was conducted at farmer’s field, Pavali village of Viruthunagar district during 2019-2020 to evaluate the effect of chelated zinc fertilizer on growth parameters of maize (Zea mays L.). The experiment was laid out as randomized block design with five replication. The results showed that plant height (192.5 cm), leaf length (80.4 cm), leaf breadth (9.82 cm), no. of leaves (13.2) and leaf area index (5.28) responded positively towards soil and foliar application of chelated Zn Formulation @ 7.5 kg ha-1 with 0.5% as foliar spray at 30 & 45 DAS (T8) than absolute control.
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