Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 10, Issue 1 (2021)
Residual effect of biochar application on growth parameters of wheat
Anusuiya Panda, LK Srivastava, HL Sonboir, Gaurav Jatav, Vinay Bachkaiya and VN Mishra
In a field trial different types of biochar , was used to investigate its potential for improving growth parameters of wheat crop (
Triticum aestivum L.), The
influence of biochar (biomass derived black carbon) on growth parameters varies based on the different sources of biochar applied with different doses of fertilizer. A field experiment was conducted at IGKV, research field using randomized block design. Biochars with different doses of fertilizer application improved plant growth parameters i.e. plant height, panicle length, number of effective grains per panicle, tillers/m
2 and test weight over the respective treatments having inorganic fertilizer without biochar and sole application of biochar. Regarding all growth parameters of wheat crop the high statistical results were achieved at higher fertilizer doses along with biochar application
Pages: 557-560 | 983 Views 443 Downloads
Anusuiya Panda, LK Srivastava, HL Sonboir, Gaurav Jatav, Vinay Bachkaiya and VN Mishra. Residual effect of biochar application on growth parameters of wheat. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2021;10(1):557-560.