Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 10, Issue 1 (2021)
Floristic composition and species diversity of woody elements in different altitudinal zones of Bhaba valley in Himachal Pradesh
Mast Ram Negi and IK Thakur
Loss of biodiversity is a serious threat to the natural ecosystem in any particular area which leads to ecological imbalance as a whole globally. Study of plant biodiversity is an important parameter to understand and assess plant community structure. The present paper deals with floristic composition and species diversity of woody species in Bhaba valley. The study area was divided into three altitudinal zones,
viz., lower (1500 -2500 m), middle (2500-3500 m) and top zone (3500-4500m). Three sites were taken from each zone and in each site three quadrates were further laid on the basis of species area curve for the study of floristic composition and species diversity. In the present study, it was observed that in total there were 73 woody species belonging to 48 genera and 27 families out of which 31 were tree species and 42 shrub species characterizing moist alpine shrub vegetation in the study area. Maximum species (56) were recorded in lower zone with 23 tree species and 33 shrub species followed by 36 species in middle zone with 12 tree species and 24 shrub species, whereas minimum 18 species were recorded in top zone with 8 tree species and 10 shrub species, respectively. It was further observed that
Pinus wallichiana and
Prunus cornuta were present in the entire valley area showing wide adaptability of these two species.
Pages: 734-741 | 1333 Views 546 Downloads
Mast Ram Negi and IK Thakur. Floristic composition and species diversity of woody elements in different altitudinal zones of Bhaba valley in Himachal Pradesh. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2021;10(1):734-741.