Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 10, Issue 1 (2021)
Evaluation of frontline demonstrations of chickpea under irrigated North Western Plain Zone-1b of Rajasthan
Rupesh Kumar Meena, Bhupender Singh, Seema Chawla, Ravi Kumar Meena and Kuladip Prakash Shinde
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sri Ganganagar (Rajasthan) conducted 250 frontline demonstrations on chickpea variety GNG-1958 (Marudhar) over an area of 100 hectares during
rabi season of 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20. The results of the demonstrations revealed that on an average seed yield of chickpea under improved technology ranged from 17.85 to 19.57 q/ha with a mean of 18.52 q/ha which was 15.33 per cent more yield as compared to local check. Moreover, the seed yield also recorded substantially higher under demonstration (18.52 q/ha) over district average (11.73 q/ha) and state average (11.02 q/ha). Further, findings of the study revealed that from one hectare average additional yield 2.57 q/ha, net monetary return ₹47565/ha, additional returns ₹10404/ha, effective gain ₹8289/ha and benefit: cost ratio 2.65 were obtained under improved technology as compared to farmers’ practice. The average technology gap (5.48 q/ha), extension gap (2.57q/ha) and technology index (22.82%) were found.
Pages: 1240-1244 | 965 Views 389 Downloads
Rupesh Kumar Meena, Bhupender Singh, Seema Chawla, Ravi Kumar Meena and Kuladip Prakash Shinde. Evaluation of frontline demonstrations of chickpea under irrigated North Western Plain Zone-1b of Rajasthan. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2021;10(1):1240-1244.