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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Vol. 10, Issue 1 (2021)

Effect of preparatory tillage, nutrient managements and moisture conservation practices as response on growth parameters and yield attributes of barley cultivation under water stress condition


Raghvendra Singh, Sarvesh Kumar, Pradeep Kumar, Raj Kumar and Ranjeet Kumar

A field experiment were conducted for two consecutive rabi seasons during 2017-18 and 2018-19 at soil conservation and water management farm, C.S. Azad University of Agriculture and Technology Kanpur on gangatic alluvial soil having 7.6 pH, light textured soil with medium soil fertility. Treatments comprises of viz., three preparatory tillage T1 - one cross ploughing with cultivator, T2 - one ploughing with disc harrow + one cross ploughing with cultivator and T3- one ploughing with disc harrow + one pass with rotavator, three nutrient management practices i.e. N1-100% RDF (60 Kg N ha-1 + 30 Kg P2O5 ha-1+ 30 Kg K2O ha-1 ) through chemical fertilizer, N2-75% RDF( through chemical fertilizer) + 25% FYM (Farm yard manure) and N3-50% RDF (through chemical fertilizer) +50% FYM (Farm yard manure) and three moisture conservation practices viz., 1) M1- Control, 2) M2 - Dust mulch and 3) M3--Pinoxaden 5.1 EC @ 50 g a.i ha-1 + VAM @ 15 Kg ha-1) was researches. It is clear from the results of two year experimentation that sowing of barley crop in plots where preparatory tillage, T3- one ploughing with disc harrow + one pass with rotavator, nutrient applied as N3-50% RDF through chemical fertilizer + 50% FYM and moisture conservation practices of M3-pinoxaden 5EC @ 50 g/ha. + VAM @ 15 Kg/ha brought out the maximum values of growth parameters, yield attributes and day of flowering and day of maturity of barley observed during both the years of study respectively followed by T1 - one cross ploughing with cultivator, N1-100% RDF (60 Kg N ha-1 + 30 Kg P2O5 ha-1+ 30 Kg K2O ha-1) through chemical fertilizer and moisture conservation practices of M2-dust mulch.

Pages: 1462-1466  |  762 Views  282 Downloads

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
How to cite this article:
Raghvendra Singh, Sarvesh Kumar, Pradeep Kumar, Raj Kumar and Ranjeet Kumar. Effect of preparatory tillage, nutrient managements and moisture conservation practices as response on growth parameters and yield attributes of barley cultivation under water stress condition. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2021;10(1):1462-1466.

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