To stabilize the productivity of summer groundnut (
Arachis hypogaea), optimization of plant spacing and fertilizer levels is imperative. A field experiment was conducted at Coconut Research Station, Aliyarnagar during 2013-14 with three plant populations (P
1 - 30 x 10 cm, P
2 - 25 x 10 cm and P
3 - 20 x 10 cm) and graded nutrient levels (F
1- 75 %, F
2 - 100 % and F
3 -125 % RDN) in TMV 13 groundnut variety to bring out the effect of plant geometry and fertilizer levels on the system productivity and economic returns, in split plot design with each of the above treatments replicated thrice. Of the different spacings adopted, P
1 - plant population @ 3.33 lakhs per ha (30 x 10) cm recorded significantly higher kernel yield (2332 kg ha
-1) followed by P
2 - plant population @ 4.0 lakhs per ha (25 x 10) cm) whilst dry haulm yield although higher in P1 (2935 kg ha
-1) did not attain statistical significance. The dry pod yield (2787 kg ha
-1), net returns (Rs. 68696 ha
-1) and benefit cost ratio (2.36) were higher in P
1 followed by P
2. As a natural corollary, plant stand was higher in P3 with a plant population of 5.0 lakhs per ha (20 x 10 cm) followed by P
2. The number of branches, total number of pods per plant and harvest index were statistically superior with wider spacing (P
1) compared to the other spacings adopted. The percentage of sound matured kernels was higher in P
2 followed by P
1. Other parameters viz., plant height, shelling out–turn remained unaltered with respect to the different spacings adopted. Application of 100 % RDN (F
2) was significantly superior over rest of the treatments (F
1 and F
3) with regard to kernel yield. F
2 and F
3 showed statistical superiority and parlance in majority of growth parameters, yield attributes and economics. Plant population of 3.33 lakhs per ha (30 x 10) cm along with application of 100 %RDN (25 – 50 – 75 NPK kg ha
-1) proved its superiority in kernel yield and economic returns.