Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 10, Issue 1 (2021)
Studies on genetic variability for quantitative and qualitative traits in onion (Allium cepa L.)
Jaipinaki Sengupta, Purnima Singh Sikarwar, KR Maurya and Binita Devi
The present investigation was carried out at experimental farm of Department of Horticulture, AKS University, Satna (M.P.) during
Rabi season of year 2019-20. The experiment was conducted in Randomized Block Design having 12 (onion varieties) in three replications with 12 treatments. Twelve diverse varieties of onion collected from different sources and all the varieties are grown with three replications in 4 m
2 plot and the plant keeping 60 x 45 cm maintained between Row and Plant distance. They were evaluated for growth yield and quality attribute for all the traits. On the basis of overall findings of the present research study reviled that there is wide range of variation in onion traits for all the characters studied. The genotypes Bhima Raj (79.1667 cm) is highest in the plant height, No. of leaves/ plant (13.4667), Leaf diameter (6.7433 cm) and Bhima Shakti is highest in Neck diameter (3.9567 cm), Moisture (22.9333%). The maximum TSS was found in cv. Bhima Shubhra (13.3367
oBrix). The genotype Bhima Super was found maximum Vit. C (mg /100g). The genotype Bhima Shweta recorded the highest average bulb weight (378.733 g), Bulb dry matter (171.00g), biological yield (7.5747kg/plot), Harvest index (4.5867), dry matter (5.300%) and economic yield (33.5367 tones/ha). The cultivar Bhima Shakti resulted in higher bulb yield per plot, economic yield and stand promising for cultivation under agro-climatic condition of Satna. The maximum genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation percent was reported for length of leaves and biological yield followed by plant height. High genetic advance was reported for dry weight of bulb followed by biological weight of bulb; however the maximum genetic advance as percent of mean was reported for bulb yield per plot and economic yield. Bulb yield per plot have positive significant correlation with fresh weight and dry weight both phenotypic and genotypic level.
Pages: 2222-2225 | 1089 Views 416 Downloads
Jaipinaki Sengupta, Purnima Singh Sikarwar, KR Maurya and Binita Devi. Studies on genetic variability for quantitative and qualitative traits in onion (Allium cepa L.). J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2021;10(1):2222-2225.