A field experiment was carried out during 2013-14 and 2014-15 to see “the Influence of INM on soil Physical and chemical property before and after harvesting of Strawberry cv. Sweet Charlie”
with 21 treatments with different combinations of organic and microbial sources of nutrients (Compost, Poultry manure, Vermicompost, FYM,
Azotobacter and PSB) replicated thrice with 18 plants per replication in Randomized Block Design. Observations were recorded for vegetative growth, fruit yield, and chemical properties of soil. In different combinations (organic manure+ biofertilizers and organic manure) the treatment T
15 (Vermicompost (5 tonnes) + Poultry manure (2.5 tonnes) + PSB+
Azotobacter) recorded highest plant height, plant spread, and leaf area. Plant supplied with T
15 (Vermicomopost (5 tonnes) + Poultry manure (2.5 tonnes)+ PSB+
Azotobacter) registered earliest flowering. The maximum fruit weight, number of fruits per plant and yield were recorded with plants treated with a T
15 (Vermicompost (5 tonnes)+ Poultry manure (2.5 tonnes)+PSB +
Azotobacter) followed by T
18 (Poultry manure (2.5 tonnes/ha)+ FYM (5 tonnes/ha)+ PSB +
Azotobacter). The application of T
15 (Vermicompost (5 tonnes/ha) + Poultry manure (2.5 tonnes/ha) +PSB +
Azotobacter) was found to more effective in decreasing the Electrical conductivity and pH of soil. The maximum residual organic carbon, available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was found in T
15 (Vermicompost (5 tonnes/ha) + Poultry manure (2.5 tonnes/ha) +PSB +
Azotobacter). The highest yield and best quality fruit were recorded in the combination of T
15 (Vermicompost (5 tonnes/ha) + Poultry manure (2.5 tonnes/ha) + PSB+