Amit Kumar, AK Singh, Avinash Kumar Singh, RK Aryan and Ajeet Kumar
The present investigation entitled “Study of thermal unit and thermal use efficiency of mustard under different growing environment” was conducted at Instructional Farm of Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology Kumarganj, Ayodhya (U.P.) during rabi season of 2016-2017 and 2017-18. The experimental site falls under sub-tropical region in Indo Gangatic plains with hot summer and cold winter. Meteorological conditions such as distribution of rainfall, maximum and minimum temperature, relative humidity and evaporation recorded during the crop season. The experiment constituted of nine treatment combinations was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD). Narendra Rye-8501 variety used in this experiment. Mustard seeds were sown in line at the distance as per treatments with the help of kudal. Maximum, Minimum temperature, relative humidity bright sunshine hours, Evaporation, Soil temperature and rainfall were collected from the weather observatory situated in the same farm during crop period as daily basis. Maximum Thermal unit/G.D.D/heat Unit requirement from sowing to maturity 1685.50 days during 2016-17 and 1686.0 0C days during 2017-18 were obtained in 5 Oct date of sowing, while minimum thermal unit were obtained in 5 Nov date of sowing (1433.8 0C days during 2016-17 and.1435.2 0Cdays in 2017-18) from sowing to maturity of Indian mustard. Maximum thermal use efficiency (0.53 during 206-17 and 0.54 during 2017-18) requirement from sowing to maturity were obtained in 5 Nov date of sowing. The maximum heat Unit/ thermal unit (GDD) requirement from sowing to maturity 1891.0 0C days in 2016-17 and1891.4 0C days in 2017-18 days were recorded in planting geometry (45×25cm.The thermal use efficiency (g/m-2/days) requirement from sowing to maturity 0.67 were recorded in planting geometry 0.53 during 2016-17 and 0.55 during 2017-18 at planting geometry (45×20cm.).
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