Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 10, Issue 1 (2021)
Efficacy of insecticides on tomato pin worm Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)
D Anitha Kumari, V Suresh, M Hanuman Nayak, AVN Lavanya and A Mamatha
Tomato pin worm,
Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) is an invasive pest on tomato has become a serious pest in Telangana. The yield loss caused by this pest is recorded to an extent of 20-30% and sometimes it may result in 100% damage, if unchecked and proper measures are not followed. It was first reported in India during 2014 and it has spread to several tomato growing states. In Telangana the pest is severe in polyhouses and losses are reported to an extent of 70-80%. An experiment was conducted to know the efficacy of different insecticide in a completely randomised block design and three replications. The treatments included cyzapyr 10 OD @ 1.8 ml/lt,
rynaxpyr 20 SC @ 0.3 ml/lt, indaxocarb 14.5 SC @ 1ml/lt,novaluran 10 EC @ 1.5 ml/lt, lambdacyhalothrin 2.5 EC @ 0.6 ml/lt, quinolphos 2.5 EC @ 2ml/lt,
Bacillus thurengenesis@500g/ha, neem seed kernel extract (NSKE)@4%,neem soap @10g/l,pongamia soap @ 10g/l and Untreated control. Among the tested treatments for the management of Tomato pinworm cyzapyr 10 OD @ 1.8 ml/lt, rynaxpyr 20 SC @ 0.3 ml/lt, indaxocarb 14.5 SC @ 1ml/lt,, lambdacyhalothrin 2.5 EC @ 0.6 ml/lt were found effective.
Pages: 2769-2771 | 1309 Views 668 Downloads
D Anitha Kumari, V Suresh, M Hanuman Nayak, AVN Lavanya and A Mamatha. Efficacy of insecticides on tomato pin worm Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2021;10(1):2769-2771.