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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Vol. 10, Issue 2 (2021)

Effect of nutrient management on yield, economics and uptake of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.))


KH Kharabe, YD Charjan, SD Navale and AP Ingle

A field experiment entitled “Effect of nutrient management on growth and yield of pigeonpea” was conducted at Agronomy Farm, College of Agriculture, Nagpur. The experiment was designed in randomised block design with three replications and twelve treatments i.e. 100%RDF (25:50:00 kg ha-1) (T1), 125%RDF (31.5:62:5:00 kg ha-1)(T2), 150%RDF (37.5:75:00 kg ha-1)(T3), 100%RDF + 10 kg S ha-1 (T4), 125%RDF + 10 kg S ha-1(T5), 150%RDF + 10 kg S ha-1(T6), 100%RDF + 20 kg S ha-1(T7), 125%RDF + 20 kg S ha-1(T8), 150%RDF + 20 kg S ha-1(T9), 100%RDF + 30 kg S ha-1(T10), 125%RDF + 30 kg S ha-1(T11), 150%RDF + 30 kg S ha-1(T12).
All growth parameters and yield contributing characters such as plant height, number of branches plant, number of pods plant-1, number of seeds pod-1, seed yield kg ha-1, straw yield kg ha-1, and harvest index were significantly influenced by fertilizer application. Maximum values of growth and yield contributing characters were recorded with application of 150% RDF + 30 kg S ha-1 and it was at par with 125% RDF + 30 kg S ha-1 with also 100% RDF + 30 kg S ha-1. Statistically significant higher seed and straw kg ha-1 recorded with application with 100% RDF + 30 kg S kg ha-1, however highest numerical values were recorded with 150% RDF + 30 kg S ha-1. Nutrient uptake by crop was increased significantly with increase in levels of sulphur as well as recommended dose of fertilizer. Total uptake of nutrients was significantly more with application of 150% RDF + 30 kg S ha-1. Application of 150% RDF + 30 kg S ha-1 was significantly beneficial for gross monetary returns (Rs 122535 ha-1), net monetary returns (Rs 81485 ha-1) and B:C ratio (2.8) However, application of 100% RDF + 30 kg S ha-1 was significantly found to be profitable with gross monetary returns (RS 116263 ha-1), net monetary returns (RS 73363 ha-1) and B:C ratio (2.7). Hence application of 100% RDF + 30 kg S ha-1 fertilizer dose is recommended to obtain higher yield with optimum cost over rest of the treatments under study.

Pages: 870-872  |  829 Views  346 Downloads

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
How to cite this article:
KH Kharabe, YD Charjan, SD Navale and AP Ingle. Effect of nutrient management on yield, economics and uptake of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.)). J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2021;10(2):870-872.

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