Effect of nutritional levels on the performance of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) varieties on growth and growth characters, their performances, production and productivity in Central Plain Zone of U.P
Sachin Verma, Dr. Ram Pyare, Sauhard Dubey, Gaurav Shukla, Dharmendra K Singh, Himanshu Tiwari and Prabhat Ranjan Pandey
A field experiment was carried out at the Students’ Instructional Farm of Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur, (U.P.) during
Rabi season of 2017-18. The trial consisted of four varieties of chickpea (KPG-59, KWR-108, KGD-1168, Avarodhi) and four nutritional levels (FYM, NPK, NPK+Bo, NPK+Bo+FYM) making 16 treatment combination which was led out in randomized block design with 3 replication. On the basis of conclusion derived from study, chickpea variety KGD-1168 with nutritional level of NPK + Bo + FYM may be recommended for Central Plain Zone of Uttar Pradesh, as this shows significantly superior results of growth and growth characters during the crop period,
viz Plant population final (83.40/m
2), Plant height at maturity (59.26cm), Primary branches at maturity (7.06) and secondary branches at maturity (9.48), Fresh weight of plant was recorded highest as (32.91g), Dry weight of plant(23.62 gm) at maturity, Root length was observed maximum as (7.16cm), Fresh wt & dry weight of root at maturity were recorded as (3.26 & 3.17) respectively, Nodules plant-1 (15.37) were recorded highest with this treatment followed by the treatment with NPK+Bo only varieties KGD-118 and KWR-108 were significantly superior over variety KPG-59 and should be recommended for farmers practice and state recommendations in central plain zone of U.P.
Pages: 1017-1020 | 886 Views 390 Downloads
Sachin Verma, Dr. Ram Pyare, Sauhard Dubey, Gaurav Shukla, Dharmendra K Singh, Himanshu Tiwari and Prabhat Ranjan Pandey. Effect of nutritional levels on the performance of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) varieties on growth and growth characters, their performances, production and productivity in Central Plain Zone of U.P. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2021;10(2):1017-1020.