The herbal medicines play an authoritative protagonist in the welfare outline of people over the world. In medication, healing plants are used in captivating illnesses of an individual as well as likely source to retain up great healthy individual.
Caesalpinia bonduc is one of the pan steamy leguminous scandent plants which is a very prevalent source of medication since the olden period by the resident people and is deliberated by several workers for their scientific applications.
Caesalpinia bonducella is well-ordered under the cluster of Caesalpiniaceae. It is then called
C. bonducella Flem and
C. crista Linn. Usually, it is called Fever Nut, Bonduc Nut and Nicker Nut too. The plant is disseminated in Bangladesh, Srilanka, Myanmar, Vietnam and China 8 also available in the tropical and the subtropical sections of Asia. Entire plant of
Caesalpinia bonduc contain all main chemical constituents for example, Isoflavones, Steroidal Saponin, Fatty Acids, Hydrocarbons, Amino Acids, Phenolics, and Phytosterols. The aim of the current survey is too high lightened the chemical constituents and the therapeutic and pharmacological application of
Caesalpinia bonduc.