Umesh BC and Ramanagouda V Patil
The present investigation was carried out in 25 double cross F1 hybrids derived from 10 single cross hybrids for yield and its component traits along with one check AS-95. The investigation was undertaken at the new orchard of Main Agriculture Research Station, UAS, Dharwad. Crosses were made to determine general combining ability and specific combining ability of parents and crosses respectively using Line x Tester mating design. Combining ability revealed that predominance of non-additive gene action for all the characters under study. Line KSP-1326 and S-85 found to be good general combiner for fruit yield per plant and number of fruits per plant. NS-585 for average fruit weight and number of locules per fruit. MHAT-306 and Sindu for TSS. MHAT-306 for number of primary branches per plant and number of fruits per cluster. High per se performance with remarkable heterosis and significant SCA effects in desirable direction for yield per plant and its contributing traits were expressed by four major economic heterotic double crosses like KSP-1326 × S-85, MHAT-306 × NS-585, KSP-1326 × Sagara and Abhilash × Shankara. Hence, the selection of these parents will be framework for improving high yielding genotypes of tomato with desirable traits.
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