Imtiaz Miah, Palash Mandal, Kamrun Nahar Mousomi and Israt Jahan
Spinach cultivation in acidic soil is challenging due to unavailability of nutrients which can be achieved by proper fertilizer management. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different nutrient amendments (T1: control, T2: cowdung, T3: compost, T4: vermicompost and T5: lime+100% inorganic fertilizer dose) on spinach in acidic soil. The treatments were replicated thrice following randomized complete block design. The shoot length, root length, number of leaves plant-1 and total plant population were found significantly higher in T5. The uptake of nutrients (Ca, Mg, K, Zn, Fe and B) was also found significantly higher for lime+inorganic fertilizer application (T5) except sulphur. Micronutrients uptakes were almost similar for the organic amendments (T2, T3, T4). Highest spinach yield was found for T5 (7.49 t ha-1). Liming made the nutrients more accessible that would have remained trapped due to acidic pH. Future studies should be highlighted on the lime application with different organic amendments to precisely identify the best amendment source among them.
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