K Jyothirmai Madhavi and Lal Ahamed M
Peanut bud necrosis virus (PBNV) and Tobacco streak virus (TSV) transmitted by thrip vectors have wide host range and becoming a serious threat to both agricultural and horticultural crops throughout India. Seed transmission of PBNV and TSV was tested in the present study, in blackgram(BG) and greengram(GG) by using PBNV-BG, PBNV-GG, TSV-BG and TSV-GG isolates of Andhra Pradesh in view of the earlier reports showing seed transmission in various crops at varying ranges. Five hundred numbers seed were collected from PBNV-BG, PBNV-GG, TSV-BG and TSV-GG infected blackgram cv.LBG-20 and greengram cv.K-851 plants and subjected to grow-out tests and DAC-ELISA. Grow-out tests did not exhibit any typical of PBNV/TSV symptoms under glasshouse conditions and none tested positive to DAC-ELISA, indicating no seed transmission of both the viruses viz., PBNV, TSV. But, the rate of germination of seeds from diseased plants varied from that of seeds collected from healthy plants. Blackgram seed collected from PBNV-BG, PBNV-GG, TSV-BG and TSV-GG infected blackgram cv.LBG-20 plants showed 79.2%, 72.8%, 68.0% and 70.4% germination, respectively while 89.6% germination was recorded with healthy blackgram seed. Whereas in greengram, seed collected from PBNV-BG, PBNV-GG, TSV-BG and TSV-GG infected greengram cv.K-851 plants showed 72.0%, 65%, 58.8% and 55% germination, respectively, while 86.4% germination was recorded with healthy greengram seed.
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