Revansiddappa Malgi, Datta V Mane, Dr. D Nagendra Kumar, Vinayraj Paramshetty and Shivanand Kobanna
The world market is also moving towards herbal medicines for health care. The main purpose behind this project was to develop a stable and functionally effective tooth paste by excluding all types of synthetic additives, which are normally incorporated in such formulations.
From this investigation we concluded that the formulated tooth paste by Cajanus cajan leaf extract, Formulation 2 have all good characters of an ideal tooth paste when compared with marketed close up tooth paste when compared with all evaluation parameters for all formulations like F1, F2 and F3 herbal tooth paste from Cajanus cajan leaf exterct like moisture, volatile matter, cleaning ability, spreading, PH, abrasiveness and gritty matter so by all evaluation parameters its quit evident that presence of various active chemical constituents present in Cajanus cajan leaf extract specially flavonoids may be responsible, for it was found to be harmless, more effective and economic compare to synthetic close-up marketed tooth paste.
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