Giram KK, Dr. SN Thakur and Dr. John David
In the present study Herbal Sandesh, a chhana-based popular sweet delicacy of the eastern part of India, especially in West Bengal, is prepared from blend of coe milk and soy milk fortified with Moringa and Roselle leaf that showed microbiological properties. Moringa (Moringa oleifera) and Roselle (Hibiscus Sabdariffa) are popular medicinal plant that helps to improve microbial quality of dairy products. The present study was carried out to find out the microbiological analysis such as Standard Plate count, Coliform count, Yeast and mould with herbal extract inclusion in the Sandesh. The addition of herbs @1%, 2%, 3% decreased the SPC and Yeast and Mould, where as in the present investigation coliform count were found to be absent in all the samples (0, 5, 10 and 15 days). This indicates that proper hygienic precautions had been taken during the production and packaging of Herbal Sandesh. The result found that best result in SPC and Yeast and mould count at 0,3,5 day 7 of herbal Sandesh blended of cow milk and soy milk fortified with Moringa @ 3% and Roselle @ 3% herbs extract respectively in selected Sandesh compared to @ 0% used of herb in Sandesh.
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