Chinwe F Anyanwu and Owunari A Georgewill
The study evaluated the quantity of Polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) present in aqueous ethanol (Aq. EtOH), dichloromethane (DCM), and n-hexane (n-hex) extracts of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) seed. Aliquots of dried extracts, gotten from the ground C. pepo, were subjected to Gas Chromatography Flame-Ionization Detector (GC-FID) analysis for quantitative identification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) present in the samples. The procedure ensured that the analytical process had quality assurance and quality control. From the result, only naphthalene was present in all three samples (Aq. EtOH and DCM; 0.05ppm, n-hex.; 0.03ppm). Out of the eight (8) PAHs identified with potential carcinogenic effects by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), only one, Fluorine, was present in only the n-hex extract (0.04ppm). From the result, DCM had more PAHs (5 PAHs) compared to n-hexane (4 PAHs) and Aq. EtOH (2 PAHs). The quantity of fluorine obtained from the extract is lower than the recommended daily intake in line with the European Union (EU) limits for fluorine, which is 0.05 ppm d-1 or mg kg−1 d−1. Owing to the fact that only one chemical compound of public health importance (on the EPA priority list) was found, which was far below the standard daily intake limit by calculation, it is safe to suggest that the C. pepo seed used in this study may pose minimal or no risk to exposed organisms. This study is important in investigating extracts intended for experimental purposes, for contaminants and other inherent compounds that may be noxious to the biological system.
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