Puneet Arora, SGM Prasad and John David
“Paneer is a South Asian soft cheese made by coagulating milk with acid and heat and it contains higher amount in fat and proteins content, a small amount of lactose, salts, fat soluble vitamins and valuable minerals like Ca and P”.
Paneer is made from around 7% of all milk produced in India. It is vital to produce new sorts and variants of paneer in regulate to assemble the still-escalating stipulate for paneer among various health-conscious consumers.
In the present study, milk of buffalo (4.5% fat and 9% SNF) for production of Paneer throughout the research of paneer; four level of garlic paste that is 2, 4, 6 and 8 percent and four levels of mint leaf paste viz., 2, 4, 6 and 8 percent was added. The ratio of garlic paste and mint leaf paste [Garlic: Mint (1:1)] viz., 2, 4, 6 and 8 percent was added. The product prepared using 6 percent mint leaf paste in treatment T6 score the maximum in sensory parameter that is., flavor, color and outward show and overall acceptability and was considered to be the optimized product. Optimization of product was done by sensory evaluation. The physico- chemical and microbial analysis of the product was also carried out. Storage study of Paneer was carried out only for the optimized product stored at 5⁰ C and concluded that treatment T6 was acceptable. The herbal milk paneer be store at 5°C for 25 being and analyzed on 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 days. Sensory evaluation basis we can say the quality of buffalo milk paneer was continuously deteriorating.
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