Hebah Abdel-Wahab and Tamara Gund
The leading cause of disability worldwide is Arthritis. Arthritis can be either autoimmune joint disease or osteoarthritis. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), by 2040, 80 million U.S. adults will have some form of arthritis. The objective is to find the effect of Hypoxemia, hypercapnia and PH chemical imbalance of the blood on muscle loss and joint diseases, and to find natural remedies to treat these types of joint diseases. Three main types of joint diseases were found to be directly related to hypoxia (Low levels of oxygen in your body tissues), hypercapnia (Excess carbon dioxide build up), and blood PH imbalance: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, and gout joint diseases. The natural treatment of these joint diseases has been identified.
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