S Patel, P Mohanty, JP Baral, A Mohanta and D Jena
A pot culture experiment was carried out during 2019-20 to evaluate the interactive effects of saline water irrigation and potassium on growth and nutrients accumulation of maize crop. The experiment was conducted in CRD with three replications. The treatments consist of 5 levels of saline water-0, 8, 12, 16 and 20 dSm-1 and three levels of amendments-FYM, K and FYM + K. The results indicated that cumulative application of saline water @ 8, 12, 16 and 20 dSm-1 decreased the shoot length (10-30%), root length (5-35%), shoot dry mass (50-65%), root weight (60-89%) and k uptake (52-69%) as compared to control. The Na content was increased by 25-107% at same level of salinity. Application of FYM + K reduced the adverse effect of Na at all levels of salinity. The K+/Na+ ratio in maize plant and ECe of soil significantly correlated with several plant parameters. The K+/Na+ ratio in soil failed to correlate well with biomass yield and nutrient accumulation. It is concluded that the K+/Na+ ratio in plant can be considered as a best indicator in evaluating crop performance in saline soils.
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